After gathering the feedback for my rough cut magazine, it occurred to me that there was a lot more to change than I thought.

1 Firstly, the colour scheme: my target audience said that the colours were too plain and boring, and if the magazine was going to catch the reader's attention, they would have to be brighter. In light of this feedback, I did some further research into Q magazine and some of the colours they have used in some of the issues. In this issue with the Foo Fighters, there is a fourth colour in the colour scheme - gold. I decided to try this in my magazine because it wasn't too bright, and I didn't think it would clash with the paler background as much as a bolder colour (such as red) would. Not only did this change make my magazine stand out a lot more, but the gold-yellow is a contrasting colour with the purple colours which are already on the page, which makes the page very pleasing to look at.

2 My target audience also highlighted that I needed more photos on my contents page, which I was planning on doing. The feedback helped me to decide what type of photos I would use, for example I wanted a mix of angles and numbers of models. So, I took two more pictures to fit below the large existing one. One of these photos was a picture of a female, inquisitively looking into the distance; the other was a two-shot of a duo who are looking straight into the camera.
3 As featured in my rough cut feedback video, my double page spread used to look very plain. It was with the aid of my feedback that I changed the colours and fonts of some of the text - such as the artists name - to make the page look individual, instead of blending in with the rest of the magazine. Although, I did ensure that I followed Mojo's double page spreads closely so that I didn't crowd the page.